A Lavender Hill community activist has been named as one of the Top 100 most influencial women in the world. Forty-seven-year-old Lucinda Evans was informed by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) that she forms part of their 100 leading ladies for the year.

The BBC list is compiled of women across the world who have performed ground-breaking work within their communities and countries, and across various fields. These include business, science, activism and sports.

Evans was first inspired to become an activist when she assisted the family of murdered 13-year-old Rene Tracey Roman.

She was also one of the names rumoured to be in the hat as the next Children’s Commissioner, and has an NPO called Philisa Abafazi Bethu (Heal Our Women) that advocates for the rights of abused women and children.

Speaking to the Daily Voice, Evans said that she is honoured to be regarded as a major influencer.

“I’m very honoured that the BBC would pick me. I’m grateful to One Billion Rising Global that nominated me for this prestigious accolade,” she said. “As a woman leader, ’n kind van die Flats, I think it’s an absolute honour that we can show the rest of the world there are people like us who can aspire to reach the BBC.”

Picture: Lucinda Evans/Facebook
