To commemorate World Rabies Day on September, 28, Mdzananda Animal Clinic based in Khayelitsha will vaccinate 200 dogs free of charge.

In an effort to better the lives of the dogs living in the area as well as help support the local community Mdzananda will be offering this service for one day only.

Rabies is a virus that can be lethal and often spreads to humans via the saliva of infected animals. Almost all cases of rabies spreading to humans are the result of dog bites and the disease is fatal once symptoms begin to show.

Apart from the dangers this disease poses to humans, it is also extremely painful, causing much discomfort and ultimate killing of infected dogs.

Locals looking to do their part for World Rabies Day can sponsor a dog for the day with a R50 donation. This donation will help the community clinic cover the costs of needles, syringes, gloves and staff.

Although rabies is a fearful and dangerous disease it is also 100% preventable with the help of a simple vaccination.

One of the rescue dogs being cared for at Mdzananda Clinic.

Residents looking to support beyond World Rabies Day can do so with the banking details below. Mdzananda Animal Clinic is highly active and helps vaccinate, support and treat hundreds of animals every month – whether its for the Parvo Virus, Distemper, Parainfluenza or Adenovirus.

They are dedicated to making a change for their community and its animals so any donations are greatly appreciated.

Here are their banking details if you would like to donate:

Mdzananda Animal Clinic
Standard Bank
Account number: 075595710
Branch Code: 02009
Reference: Rabies + Your Name

SnapScan and other donations portals :!donate/ctzx

Picture: Mdzananada Animal Clinic
