Upgrades to several parks and recreational facilities around the City, valued at nearly R19.5-million, have been completed.

The City of Cape Town Mayoral Committee Member for Community Services and Health, Zahid Badroodien, explains the importance of these refurbishments. “We know all too well how important recreational and sporting facilities are in building healthy bodies and minds, but also how it can literally change the face of an area and provide a positive outlet, particularly for young people.”

The 59 projects were funded by three sources, the Urban Settlements Development Grant (USDG), External Financing Funds (EFF) and the ward allocation function.

Under the USDG funding, an estimated R12 821 611 was used to put in place synthetic pitches in Hanover Park, Seawinds and Ocean View. This addition now sets the number of synthetic pitches around the city to more than 30.

External funds (EFF) were used to complete phase one of the Protea Park Skate Park and upgrades of R500 000 each at the Nyanga Rugby field, Nyanga football field and the Gugulethu Stadium. Ward allocation funding has allowed the department to complete a number of upgrades to parks, recreation centre and public open spaces to the value of just over R5-millon.

Under the projects, indoor gym equipment was provided for the OR Tambo Hall in Khayelitsha, fencing at sports fields, high mast lighting and a universal access ramp at the Johannes Meintjies Park in New Woodlands, Mitchells Plain, as well as the improving of public spaces, sports fields and the acquisition of equipment and park furniture.

Gugulethu’s new synthetic pitch and fencing.

Badroodien said there are more projects like these in the pipeline.

“These are but a few of the projects on our to-do list in this financial year and we still have many more to complete, but the good news is that the number of completed projects increases all the time. It is extremely heartwarming to see projects come full circle, for the benefit of our communities.”

Although there has been vandalism and theft in some open public spaces and parks around Cape Town, Badroodien says that it is crucial for the community to get involved and that there have been cases where community involvement has deterred such behavior.

The new seating in Gugulethu Stadium.

“One such example is the Gugulethu smart park. The facility caters to a relatively large community who report illegal activities and maintenance issues as they arise. The end result is that vandalism is not a problem at this park, although wear and tear from sustained use is. Needless to say this is a far more pleasant problem to have than spending our repairs and maintenance on the ravages of vandals and thieves.”

Members of the public can report any faults, vandalism or broken park equipment to the City’s Call Centre on 0860 103 089 or by sending an email to [email protected].

Badroodien encourages residents to remain vigilant and report any incidents.

“Residents and members of the public are our eyes and ears and the sooner they report faults, the sooner these can be fixed. This also reduces the risk of a complete deterioration of our facilities. More so, I want residents to exploit the facilities in their neighourhoods. If more people use the parks, outdoor gyms and recreation centres, the gap for the minority of people who have an ill intent will get smaller.”

Hanover Park’s new synthetic pitch and seating.

Picture: The new synthetic pitch in Hanover Park, Supplied



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