An influx of stranded turtle hatchlings are being noticed by the Two Ocean Aquarium’s Turtle Rescue, Rehab and Release Programme and locals are being reminded to be on the lookout for these little creatures.

These hatchlings are found stranded on beaches around Cape Town and the Western Cape around this time each year and are often brought to the Aquarium by concerned members of the public.

The Two Oceans Aquarium is appealing to all beachgoers to be aware of these hatchlings and know what to do when the situation arises.

What to do when you find a turtle hatchling on a Cape Town or Western Cape Beach:

– Don’t put it back in the water!

– Contact your nearest Turtle Network Point, like the NSRI – a full list of all the network points can be found here.

– Put the turtle in a dry container with a soft towel and air holes

– Keep the turtle out of the sun and wind

– Get the turtle to the Aquarium or one of the Network Points as soon as possible.

Recently the Aquarium undertook a road trip to educate communities along the coast on turtle strandings and what to do when a turtle is found.

Established in 2018, the Turtle Rescue Network has been a cornerstone of the Two Oceans Aquarium’s Turtle Rescue Programme, connecting the diverse people and organisations on the Western Cape coast that are likely to find stranded sea turtles and giving them the skills and resources to rescue these turtles and deliver them to rehab centres.

At the heart of this network are the community organisations that assist members of the public with these rescues, prompting Two Oceans to visit these communities and meet new partners to help with these rescues.

More information on Two Oceans’ road trip can be found here.

Picture: Two Oceans Aquarium



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