The Sea Point Promenade is slowly but surely becoming overrun with tourists and locals whizzing to and fro. As this busy Sea Point location picks up in popularity, so are the complaints increasing as more people means less space for those enjoying a stroll on the much-loved promenade.

Residents who enjoy spending their time on the promenade whether its jogging or walking their dogs have been experiencing an uptake in the number of incidents where pedestrians are knocked over by those riding a bike or skating past.

Many are calling for the promenade to have dedicated lanes for non-motorised transport or even have biking and skating on the promenade banned to ensure the safety of pedestrians.

“I’ve had about five accidents reported to me since becoming ward councillor in February last year. I’m sure many more happened. It’s very difficult to balance the needs of all the users of the Promenade. There shouldn’t be bikes zooming past you! That shouldn’t be happening! We need to look at having a non-motorised transport lane from the Waterfront to Camps Bay, it would be an amazing tourist attraction,” said Sea Point Promenade Ward Councillor, Nicola Jowell to CapeTalk.

What the future will hold for the promenade it yet to be seen but many are hoping the popular walk will be updated to better accommodate the needs of all or remove the dangers of bikes and skaters.

Picture: Twitter
