In celebration of Mandela Day, the Nelson Mandela Foundation appeals to the public to join in on July 18, by contributing to the needs of unfortunate communities.

According to Good Things Guy, the aim of the Each1Feed1 programme and developing 4Cans4MandelaDay campaign is to ensure that basic non-perishable foods be donated to many vulnerable communities to get through the icy cold winter we are currently facing.

Each1Feed1 is a food distribution network that began at the very start of COVID-19 lockdown in 202 to support families in need who took a knock for the worst due to unemployment and lack of funds.

Child-headed households, orphaned families, elderly people, employed people, and people living with disabilities have been included.

The food packs are nutritious and support a family of five for at least a month.

For Mandela Month, the public is asked to kindly donate to the Each1Feed1 drive by donating non-perishable at participating malls for Mandela Day.

All malls part of this donation will have signage and a Mandela Day representative at a collection point where people can drop off their donations.

Picture: Pexels
