A man who harmed many hikers in the Table Mountain National Park (TMNP) now faces 10 counts of various charges in the Western Cape High Court. Blessing Bveni was charged with robbery, attempted robbery with aggravating circumstances, assault with the intent to do grievous bodily harm, attempted murder and murder.

Bveni also faces additional counts for allegedly contravening the Immigration Act, as it is believed he committed fraud to enter South Africa. It is also alleged that he used falsified documents to remain in the country.

Bveni is alleged to be behind the stabbings of Ian McPherson (68) and Doug Notten (57).

Notten was hiking with his wife Julia in the Silvermine area when he was attacked and stabbed to death. As previously reported, the attacker was well-dressed and attacked them from behind. Julia is alleged to have pepper-sprayed Bveni after he stabbed her husband.

McPherson was attacked and killed while cycling on a Fish Hoek trail in March, 2018.

Bveni’s oldest charge of assault dates back to October 11, 2017, when he allegedly tried to mug a cyclist at the Silvermine Bridge.

As reported by News24, Advocate Susan Galloway presided over his court proceedings on Monday, September 2, where she informed the court that the case may have a hiccup. “One of our crucial witnesses has emigrated to England,” she said.

It is believed that this witness may be McPherson’s partner.

Bveni is to remain in custody until February 3, 2020.

Picture: Pixabay
