Donovan Tooth has been slammed on social media after a video of him body shaming women went viral. The original clip was shared by Tooth to his Instagram story on September 17, where he lambasted women for their out-of-shape bodies. He compared a photo of a one model to US plus size model Jari Jones and said “Here you have two models, one who looks athletic, built well, sexy and then you’ve got another one that is overweight and represents anything but being healthy, lean and having a slim body.”

He continued: “B**** get on a treadmill.”

Take a look at snippets of the video below.

Since then, the video was shared to Twitter and Facebook where he has been repeatedly called out for fatphobia and body shaming. Tooth, who owns a clothing brand called Panda Clothing, quickly backtracked and uploaded an apology video to Facebook which has since been deleted.

Again, social media users called him out with many women saying “apology not accepted”.

Additionally, his personal Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn accounts have been deactivated. His Twitter account is still activated but has not been used since July 2019. In 2013, a parody Twitter account in his name was created that has hurled insults at Tooth.

Panda Clothing issued an official statement via Instagram condemning Tooth’s actions.

“PANDA Clothing and it’s shareholders disassociates itself from the derogatory post which was an attack on the female form. It is unacceptable, shameful and has no place in Panda’s value system. PANDA offers an apology for the widespread hurt that was caused and an internal review process / disciplinary procedure has been initiated. PANDA represents the celebration of fitness regardless of anyone’s shape or form. To reassure our valued female clients we respect women in every aspect and acknowledge and admire them in all forms.”

Cape Town comedian and actress Juliette Pauling condemned Tooth in an Instagram video. Pauling read a poem she had written while in character playing Dwayne Anderson.


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Donovan tooth I dont know you oke. But I saw your vid and thought it was a joke. You shamed our powerhouses that give us life, Your sister, your mother, or god forbid your wife. Shaming women’s bodies doesnt make you a man, By the looks of it bru not even supplements can. Take you’re puffed up body and words of hurt. Your weak apology and throw it in the dirt. Cause that’s what you offered, its dirt when you speak. Our women aren’t chubby, lazy or weak. Boy educate yourself because theres something you missed. Not only the women but the men too are pissed. ‘bitch get on a treadmil’ I think thats what you said. Inspired choice of words, you pecker head. Remember this next time you wanna sing your song… Our women arnt only beautiful, but jussis they’re strong.

A post shared by Jube Pauling (@juliette_pauling) on

The poem reads: “Donovan tooth I dont know you oke.
But I saw your vid and thought it was a joke.
You shamed our powerhouses that give us life,
Your sister, your mother, or god forbid your wife.
Shaming women’s bodies doesnt make you a man,
By the looks of it bru not even supplements can.
Take you’re puffed up body and words of hurt.
Your weak apology and throw it in the dirt.
Cause that’s what you offered, its dirt when you speak.
Our women aren’t chubby, lazy or weak.
Boy educate yourself because theres something you missed.
Not only the women but the men too are pissed.
‘bitch get on a treadmil’ I think thats what you said.
Inspired choice of words, you pecker head.
Remember this next time you wanna sing your song…
Our women arnt only beautiful, but jussis they’re strong.”


Image: Facebook/ Bianca Botha

