Animal lovers are breathing sighs of relief that the Cape of Goodhope (CoGH) SPCA has been named an essential service during the lockdown, as it saved the life of a dog named Snoopy last night [April 5].

“While most of the world unites in compassion and kindness, it seems as if those who thrive on violence carry on regardless. Snoopy was attacked last night at his home in Kleinvlei, Eersterivier and severely beaten with a golf club,” the SPCA said in a statement. “His 26-year-old attacker who is already convicted of murder was found to be in violation of his parole conditions.”

Snoopy’s attacker is currently being detained at the Kleinvlei police station, and will remain in custody until his case is heard by the courts.

“Inspector Jeffery Mfini and Chief Inspector Jaco Pieterse responded to the call for help at 7pm last night and we couldn’t be more grateful that our services are regarded as essential at this time. Not only could we be there for Snoopy who is now receiving the best possible veterinary treatment but we could help make the streets a little safer by ensuring that a violent offender gets what he deserves,” the SPCA added. “If ever we needed proof that those who are cruel to animals don’t stop there – this is it.”

Picture: Supplied
