Those who make use of Racecourse Road or drive in the vicinity of Paddocks Mall in Milnerton have been advised to remain cautious, as a group of mischievous youths have been reported throwing rocks at cars and attempting to snatch items through vehicle windows.

As reported by Table Talk, Milnerton residents have reported seeing the group of approximately five boys around the corner of Racecourse Road and the R27. The group appears to beg drivers for money or food, while some of them check out the backseat by peering through the windows of the car.

It is also believed that the boys smashed and grabbed items from a woman’s car last week, and disappeared into the vicinity of Royal Ascot.

According to Milnerton South African Police Service (SAPS) spokesperson Captain Nopaya Madyibi, they are aware of the group of boys. “Most of the time they ask for tips or food but we encourage the public not to entertain this kind of behaviour,” she said.

Residents have been advised not to use their phones while driving or when stopping at traffic lights, and to remain alert in the area.

Picture: Twitter
