The mother of 22-year-old Tasneem Simons held her dying daughter in her arms after Simons was hit by a bullet on Monday afternoon. The young woman was tragically caught in the crossfire of rival gang shootings in Manenberg, and was struck in the head while making her way to the washing line to take down her family’s laundry.

Simons was three months pregnant at the time of her death, and was laid to rest yesterday.

Western Cape MEC of Community Safety Albert Fritz has condemned in the strongest terms the brutal killing of Simons, which took place on Gamtoos Road.

“It is further reported that three children between the ages of 10 and 16 years were shot and wounded in Manenberg last night whilst playing outside,” Fritz said. “Arrests have not been made in either case.

“I am deeply disturbed by the spate of gang-related violence in our communities. It is unthinkable that a young pregnant woman could be caught in a gang crossfire whilst completing the simple act of taking down laundry; or that children could be shot at whilst playing. The SANDF must be deployed immediately to stabilise our communities and allow police to pursue investigations and arrests. Gangsterism and crime are truly enemies to the Western Cape as they leave our citizens in a constant state of trauma, whilst driving away tourism, shrinking our economy and reducing jobs.”

“My deepest sympathies go out to Simons’ family during this difficult time. I further wish a speedy recovery to three young children who were injured during a shoot-out in Manenberg,” Friz said.

Anyone with information about these incidents is asked to contact Crime Stop on 08600 10111 or Manenberg SAPS on c/o Klipfontein Road & Duinefontein Road, Manenberg, 7764. The Station Commander, Brigadier E Joseph, can be contacted on 021 699 9420.

Picture: Twitter


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