A group of hikers were allegedly robbed by three minors on Table Mountain on Friday, November 8, but were quickly apprehended thanks to the quick actions of Table Mountain rangers.

The alleged robbers, ages 15, 16 and 17, were immediately arrested and will appear in court soon on charges of aggravated robbery.

According to reports from Parkscape the incident took place at Signal Hill and involved a group of elderly hikers.

“The attack appears to be one of many over recent months – none of which the public have been made aware. It is good to hear that rangers acted swiftly and the perpetrators were taken into custody. A watch was stolen, rings were tried to be removed from fingers & a backpack strap was cut from a hikers back,” wrote Parkscape on Facebook.

Those who were involved in the attack recounted the experience on the Parkscape Facebook page.

“We were walking back from our walk to the Noon Day Gun on the path from Lions Camp Today. The path we took from the camp was first right up the steep incline and then carried on towards Appleton Camp on Signal Hill road where our cars we’re parked. On leaving the gun we saw three colored youths sitting on the side of the path. They spoke to us and we continued on our walk and moments later they passed us again.”

“The group was fairly large with 10 people walking altogether but three people in the group were ahead of the rest and around the bend when the incident took place.”

“One of the three called out that they were being attacked and on hearing this I ran up and saw one of the youths struggling with Gill who was screaming at the top of her voice and then they all ran off. Two of the youths had knives. I phoned Table Mountain rangers and they arrived very quickly and we were told that they had caught all three. Apparently these three have been involved in a lot of crime in the area but we have given statements to the police so hopefully this will be an end to their antics”.

Luckily no one was injured during the incident.

Picture: Pixabay
