Two proud South Africans united in America, as the reigning Miss Universe Zozibini Tunzi met Trevor Noah when he interviewed her on The Daily Show.

While the interview has not yet been aired in South Africa, locals are able to listen to the interview on the The Daily Show’s podcast. Speaking to Noah, Zozibini opened up about some of the negative feedback she has received since winning the crown.

“I got comments like, ‘she’s a downgrade from the others that we’ve had’,” she said.

The beautiful 26-year-old has also been ridiculed for the colour of her skin, but has taken these moments to educate people instead of letting these opinions rule her. “I remember putting out a post speaking about colourism, speaking about racism, speaking about how people need to see things in order to start believing in them,” she said.

Noah agreed with Miss Universe, saying that it was profound for him to see a dark-skinned, natural-haired woman win the title.

Picture: Twitter
