Horse rider Meghan Cremer’s family has been in a panic since they discovered she was missing over the weekend. Her family has now appealed to the public to come forward with any information regarding her whereabouts, as her car was recently spotted in Cape Town.

“If anyone has seen her or has any information that could help us find her, please get in touch with me ASAP,” her brother Paul Cremer said on social media.

Her car was last seen at a Wynberg roadblock and was driven by a stranger, according to a Missing Children SA poster.

According to reports, Cremer was last seen when she left her home in Ottery at approximately 6.24pm last Saturday. Her family knew something was wrong when she did not return to the Vaderlandsche Rietvlei stables, nor did she make her way to work as she usually did.

Cremer, who is originally from Knysna, is 1.67cm tall and is of a slender build. She also has long, hazel-coloured hair and blue eyes.

She was wearing a green top and black tracksuit pants, and was driving her white Toyota Auris. Her registration number is CX29727.

Her car was last seen at a Wynberg roadblock and was driven by a stranger, according to a Missing Children SA poster.

Picture: Pink Ladies/Facebook
