A rockslide on Franschhoek Pass caused by the rain put the life of a motorist and his friend in serious danger on Saturday morning.

A safety alert was issued to Klapmuts Farm Watch at roughly 11.40am on Saturday following reports of a rockslide at Franschhoek Pass.

Luck was on motorist Mark Thackwray’s side as well as his friend’s side who both miraculously escaped with their lives after massive rocks showered down on the car as they were travelling along the Pass.

Thackwray (28) and his friend were surprisingly left with only a few bruises and scratches although the vehicle was completely totalled.

The two men managed to escape the vehicle after the first large boulder hit the bonnet of the car, once they were a distance from the vehicle more boulders began to shower down on the car particularly near the back door on the passenger side.

They were on their way to Struisbaas when the incident happened.

“It felt like a bucket of golf balls being turned over on top of us,” Mark Thackwray told Nari.co.za.

A couple travelling along the same pass towards McGregor picked up the pair and drove them to the hospital.

The Stellenbosch Municipality announced the Pass is currently closed in order to ensure the safety of travellers and clear the roadway.

“The Franschhoek Pass has been closed to traffic due to rockslides. The pass will remain closed for some time. Please avoid the area and take care,” said the municipality.

A number of passes have reportedly been affected by the rainy weather and motorists are advised to skip mountainous routes until authorities are able to confirm that they are safe for use.

Picture: Twitter


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