A recent video shared on social media has raised alarms regarding the frequent phone thefts occurring along the Voortrekker and Halt Road intersection.

In the video, a man can be seen using his phone while waiting for the light to turn green when an unidentified man approaches his car and grabs his phone through the window.

The man then runs away from the vehicle and the driver can been seen attempting to follow him, but then returning to his vehicle as it begins to roll due to the handbrake not being engaged.

Another video was later uploaded showing the same man who stole the phone, still in the same area being picked up by a taxi and disappearing with the rest of the traffic.

Locals are reminded to be cautious when driving, and to never use your phone while in the car especially when stopped at an intersection or stop street.

Always be aware of your surroundings and ensure your phone and other belongings of value are tucked away and out of sight.

After seeing the video on social media DA caucus deputy leader JP Smith submitted it to the public emergency communications centre. It was then passed onto law enforcement who managed to find the suspect and arrest him.

The victim has since been found and will reportedly be laying official charges.

Picture: Twitter
