A moving Simon’s Town train was engulfed in flames as it pulled into a station on Tuesday. Passengers aboard a train en route to Simon’s Town had to be evacuated at Retreat Station. Metrorail spokesperson Riana Scott said two carriages were gutted, and two adjoining carriages suffered minor damages.
No injuries were reported during the fire.
Speaking to TimesLive, Scott said, “Preliminary reports from the scene indicate that all commuters on board were evacuated at Retreat station. No injuries were reported. The high voltage overhead power (was) switched off to enable the fire brigade to extinguish the fire and our train crew separated the burning carriages from the rest of the train to prevent further damage.”
“The fire was doused at 09:45h. Both lines were initially closed but one has subsequently been reopened after safety checks‚ and trains were diverted. Final mopping up operations will commence as soon as the forensic teams have completed their investigation and the damaged carriages will be taken to the depot for further investigation and assessment by Prasa’s loss adjusters. It is not yet possible to say what the cost of the damage is going to be.”
Trains have been delayed by an hour due to the burning carriage.

Pictures: Twitter


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