A person has been knocked over and killed during protests that have affected both directions of the N2 highway, Mew Way, Baden Powell, R300 and Hindle Road and started in the early hours of Monday morning, reported The South African. 

“While everyone has the constitutional right to protest, resorting to violence and destruction is simply unacceptable. It is dangerous and illegal to do so at the expense of the rights of others, especially their right to safety, to property and to move freely,” said Minister of Community Safety, Albert Fritz.

Protests are being led by a group called Intlungu yaseMatyotyombeni who are protesting housing and basic service delivery, continued Fritz.


Today, one person was knocked over and killed as a result of ongoing violent protesting. 

“I was deeply concerned to hear that a person had been killed amid the protest action yesterday and that four police officers were injured in Kraaifontein. I call for an immediate end to these violent protests which are not only dangerous, but further jeopardise service delivery to our most vulnerable communities. I wish to convey my heartfelt condolences to the family of the deceased and wish a speedy recovery to those injured,” said Fritz.

“The destruction of personal and public property is criminal. This action further threatens to undermine the economic opportunities of many residents in our province, as well as further delay serve delivery to affected communities,” he continued.

On March 24, Veve Ntandie narrowly escaped injury when her vehicle was set alight.

As well as this, “two males aged 20 and 24 were arrested for public violence in Kraaifontein,” said Police spokesperson Colonel Andre Traut.

Anyone with information on crimes committed during these protests are asked to report it to police via Crime Stop on 08600-10111.

Read also:

N2 & R300 protests bring traffic to a standstill: day 3

Picture: Twitter /@BOSBEER2006
