Take the stress out of your sale day rush for Cape Town Sevens tickets with their brand new ticketing system, designed to put dedicated fans first. Tickets for the Sevens games usually sell out in a matter of minutes but this year, SA Rugby has decided to change things up a little. SA Rugby spokesperson, Andy Colquhoun says fans can now either register for a loyalty programme for an extra R75 or enter a free lottery system.

“We did a lot of research and the buying experience over the past three years has left many supporters frustrated and disappointed,” said Jurie Roux, SA Rugby CEO. “We are introducing a loyalty programme for this and future editions – which will put tickets in hands of dedicated fans – although it does come at an additional cost. But some tickets will also be available at the normal price through the lottery system.” he said.

Log on to www.capetown7s.com and choose between the loyalty programme and the free lottery system to get your tickets. Fans have until September 12 to make a choice. Links will be sent to everyone who made their choice a week after allowing them to then go ahead and pay for their tickets.

How it will work:

1. Log on to www.capetown7s.com and choose between:

a. Opting into the loyalty programme

b. Opting into the free lottery system

c. Bundle your tickets with travel and/or accommodation through SA Rugby Travel

2. Supporters will have until 12 September to register and make their choice of the loyalty or lottery membership programmes, or through SA Rugby Travel.

3. Supporters who opt into the loyalty programme will be asked to specify how many tickets they would like to purchase (up to a maximum of seven) for an additional R75 per ticket.

4. Tickets will be available to loyalty members in all areas of the ground. Lottery tickets may only be available on level three (upper level) of the stadium, depending on loyalty demand.

5. At the end of the registration period, loyalty members will be emailed a personalised link giving them direct access to the ticketing system to select and pay for their tickets, including the loyalty fee.

6. The personalised link will be active for two weeks for loyalty members to go online, select and purchase their guaranteed seats.  The process will be hassle-free as there is no “online rush” as experienced in the past.

7. Any tickets which are left over from the loyalty programme allocation will go into the pool for the lottery draw.

8. After the draw has taken place, successful applicants will be advised via an email link. They will be given 14 days to pay (at normal ticket prices). Tickets not paid for in that time will go back into the lottery.


Picture: Twitter


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