The Department of Transport is planning on making changes to the National Road Traffic Regulations and your input is required. Among the changes, are amendments to “tuk tuks” and cyclists on the road. With a large cycling community in Cape Town, this is of great importance. Have a read of the proposed changes:

Passing a cyclist
Cyclists must now be treated the same as any other vehicle. The driver should pass the cyclist on the right at a distance of 1.2 metres, and should not drive on the left side of the road until it is clear of the cyclist. Driving on the left side of a cyclist is only permissible if the person driving the vehicle can ensure the safety of themselves, the cyclist and other traffic in doing so.

This includes:
– The bicycle being passed is turning to its right, or the cyclist has signaled their intention of turning to the right
– The road is a public road in an urban area and is restricted to vehicles moving in one direction only
– The roadway is wide enough to accommodate two or more lanes of moving vehicles, including bicycles
– The roadway is restricted to vehicles moving in one direction and is divided into traffic lanes by road traffic signs
– Drivers are driving in compliance with the directions of a traffic official or are driving in traffic that is under the general direction of such an official.

A big talking point is the regulation of microdots placed on South African vehicles. Microdots are an increasingly popular safety feature on South African vehicles. These are classified as a particle with a diameter smaller than 1.8mm, and bear a unique optically readable microdot identifier. Typically, this has the vehicle’s 17-digit VIN number or another registered PIN on it. The new regulations wish to establish a “Microdot Certification Body”, which will then be responsible for the registering, modeling and approving of all microdot manufacturers, fitters, sellers and distributors in the country. There are a number of new requirements that must be met before allowing someone to become a manufacturer, seller, fitter or distributor of microdots.

Motor Tricycles
While motor tricycles have become increasingly popular in South Africa, proposed amendments states that no person may carry a passenger in one of these vehicles for reward in cash. The proposed amendment adds that no person shall be issued an operating license to carry any passenger for reward with a motor tricycle.

Destruction of license
In recent months, the Department of Transport has made a point to stamp out corruption in vehicle testing centres and motorists who bribe their way to earning a license. The new amendment will allow for the MEC of the province to cancel the license of any driver who had their license issued irregularly. This will be determined after a full investigation has been conducted. The holder of the license will have 14 days to explain why they should be allowed to hold on to their license. This must be done in writing. If the MEC is not satisfied with the reasons furnished, he or she will inform the license holder to hand in their license for destruction.

The public is advised to send all comment to the following department representatives:

John Motsatsing
Department of transport
Private bag x 193
Tel: (012) 309 3574
Fax (012) 309 3962

ADV N A Thoka
Department of transport
private bag x 193
Tel: (012) 309 3764
Fax (012) 309 3962

Picture: Pixabay


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