Many have been excited to hear that cinemas, libraries and sports will soon be reopening. Minister of Arts and Culture Nathi Mthethwa recently published a new set of directives outlining the reopening rules.

These directives form part of advanced Level 3 lockdown, a time period during which many businesses and industries have been allowed to reopen.

The latest directive from Mthethwa includes specific guidelines for the arts and sports sectors. These changes include:


Contact and non-contact sport may resume training, provided there are no spectators and health protocols are adhered to. The following measures must be complied with:

– All sports bodies must, within 14 days of the publication of the gazette, apply to the Minister in writing for the resumption of training

– A sports body must keep a register, which must be archived for at least six months, with the personal details of athletes, support staff and officials

– All athletes and support staff must be tested for the coronavirus before any sport may resume

– Extra precautions must be taken for geographical areas declared as a hotspot

– Non-contact sport may resume matches, which will be subject to the above-mentioned restrictions and depending on the size of the code of sport

Cinemas and libraries

According to the directive, libraries, archives, galleries and museums are open to the public and are subject to strict health protocols, which include:

– Limiting operating hours as per the amended standard operation procedure to be found on the website of the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture

– Places or premises must provide limited service and contact between the staff and visitors to prevent any form of gathering

– Cinemas and theatres are limited to 50 people or less, excluding staff members

– Sufficient hand sanitiser must be made available to those visiting

– Social distancing between customers and staff should be followed wherever possible, and a distance of 1.5 metres must be maintained at all times

– All customers should wear cloth masks at all times except for when eating and drinking

– Contactless payments and pre-booking should be made available wherever possible

– The premises should be deep-cleaned before reopening, and commonly used areas should be sanitised frequently

– Protection equipment must be given to employees

– A dedicated area should be demarcated for people who have developed coronavirus symptoms

– A person with an elevated temperature may be refused entrance into the premises

Picture: Pixabay

