Lockdown rules and regulations will soon be shifting to accommodate the reopening of a new list of businesses under advanced Level 3. A new directive was published on Thursday, June 25 by Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma.

The directive stipulates that business sectors such as sit-down restuarants will be allowed to open again, but does not yet give specific directions for the reopening. According to the gazette, this information will be published shortly.

Below is a list of important changes for both businesses and individuals:

Cinemas and theatres

Cinemas will be opened, but may be subject to:

– A limit of 50 persons or less
– Sale of tickets through a booking system
– Strict adherence to all health protocols and social distancing measures (as provided for in directions that will be published by the responsible cabinet member).

Theatres may be subject to:

– A limit of 50 persons or less
– Strict adherence to all health protocols and social distancing measures (as provided for in directions that will be published by the responsible cabinet member)
– Limit on performers and crew to a maximum of 15 persons, and this may include live streaming or recording for distribution on digital platforms.


Restaurants are allowed to reopen, and will be subject to the strict adherence of all health protocols and social distancing measures (as provided in directions that will be issued by the responsible cabinet member, and after consultation with the Minister of Health).

Other areas which may not open include:

– Short term home-sharing /letting /leasing /rental for leisure purposes
– Domestic passenger air travel for the purpose of leisure. This will be determined upon directions from the Cabinet member responsible for transport
– On-site liquor consumption
– Passenger ships for leisure purposes
– Sporting events, except as provided for in Chapter 4 of the directive.


All gatherings are prohibited except the following:

– A faith-based institution, which is limited to 50 persons or less, depending on the size of the place of worship. All health and safety protocols must also be met for the gathering to go ahead
– A funeral (subject to regulations)
– A workplace for work purposes
– Conferences and meetings, subject to a limit of 50 persons, excluding those who participate through electronic platforms. All health and safety protocols must be adhered to.


Cinemas may be subject to:

– A restriction on the number of persons allowed in the casino to not more than 50% of the available floor space, with patrons observing a distance of least one and a half metres from each other. This percentage may be increased by the minister
– The strict adherence of all health protocols and social distancing measures (as provided for in directions that must be issued by the responsible cabinet member).

Personal care services

Minister of Small Business Development Khumbudzo Ntshavheni published a directive which outlines the new guidelines for the personal care industry under revised level 3 lockdown rules.

The directive also states that the following services are deemed safe to resume operations:

– Facial treatment and make-up
– Hairdressing
–  Barbering
– Nail and toe treatment
– Body massage
– Tattooing and body piercing.

You can read the directive here: 43476_25-6_Cogta

ALSO READ: Fine dining chefs keep the fires burning and spirits up during lockdown.

Picture: Pixabay
