Near the end of last year, the Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) announced it was considering a complete reworking of the South African driver’s testing and general driving rules.

Spokesperson for the RTMC, Simone Zwane, told the Sunday Times that the planned changes were still under discussion, and completed proposals had not yet been submitted to the transport minister Blade Nzimande and parliament for approval.

Possible new changes include:

– Motorists needing to retake their drivers test when they renew their licenses

– Newly qualified drivers will be required to have an experienced driver in the car with them for the first six months of driving

– The K53 driving test will undergo a complete overhaul

– Newly qualified drivers will not be allowed to make trips of more than 150km in their first year

– Additional testing will be added for truck, bus and taxi drivers

– Heavy-truck licenses will not be issued unless a motorists already has a car license.

Concerns over new rules

Locals and those working in the driver-training sector fear that the new rules may not be easily implemented if approved but many are feeling positive about the possibility that they may reduce the number of casualties and accidents that occur on our roads each year, particularly during the festive season.

From an administrative perspective, the plans to make drivers redo their driving license tests every five years is unrealistic.

The reworking of the K53 test could cause problems in the future, depending on the changes made.

Although many concerns surround the new changes, it is undeniable that something must be done to change our current road accidents situation and the RTMC is, at least, making steps towards this goal.


Picture: Pexels


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