New smart traffic interventions were unveiled when the Western Cape’s MEC for Transport, Donald Grant, presented the province’s festive season statistics last week. According to Grant, the province experienced a 6% drop in road fatalities over the past festive season, going to 246 from the 262 fatalities recorded in the 2016/17 season.

Grant also stated the statistics show a notable decrease in pedestrian deaths over the 2018/19 festive season compared to the previous one, with the number dropping from 104 to 91 fatalities.

“Festive season periods are always the busiest time on our roads, with thousands of vehicles making trips in and out of the province, towards their various holiday destinations. Increased vehicle numbers were recorded along the main routes and at various checkpoints,” Grant said. “This past festive season (December 1 2018 to January 31 2019) was markedly different as for the first time, a full complement of smart enforcement technologies were deployed across the province to bolster our efforts of increasing compliance and saving more lives on our roads.”

The Smart Enforcement Technology Interventions will include:

– New traffic vehicles being fitted with automatic number plate recognition software dashcams, as well as new patrol radios, live camera surveillance, and stolen vehicle recognition

– Handheld devices that enable officials to have direct roadside access and verify the validity of driving and motor vehicle licenses. The devices also check professional driving permits, as well as outstanding speeding offences

– Three Mobile Alcohol Evidentiary Units will be deployed at strategic locations across the province to aid Random Breath Testing (RBT) operations. These units also collect evidence by the side of the road, which may then be used in criminal prosecutions.

Picture: Pixabay


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