South Africa has recorded its first neonatal mortality related to COVID-19. A two day old baby that was born prematurely has died due to the virus.

The baby had lung difficulties and required ventilation support immediately after birth.

“The mother had tested positive for COVID-19 and the child subsequently tested positive for COVID-19 as well. It is important to appreciate the complexities of the underlying condition of prematurity. We extend a special word of comfort to the mother of this child and salute the neonatologists, nurses and all allied and technical personnel who had the difficult task of caring for the neonate to the end.” said Minister of Health Dr Zwelini Mkhize.

This comes as South Africa’s total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases reached 18 003 on May 20, the total number of deaths is now at 339.

A health care worker in the Western Cape is also one of the latest deaths recorded.

“I want to send a special tribute to the health care workers who continue to serve with honour and compassion, despite the real risks they face in the frontline. My heart goes out to the family, colleagues and loved ones of this compatriot: we salute her for the contribution she has made to the fight against COVID-19,” added Mkhize.

The provincial breakdown of the latest number is as follows:

Picture: Pixabay

