Whether you are participating or supporting, marathons are always exciting. It starts with deciding to take on the challenge, followed by months of preparation. On the day, you wake up at the crack of dawn and make your way to the start line. One might usually associate a marathon with hundreds or thousands of participants, but the OCAL Global Journey for Change is something different.

OCAL Global (One Chance At Life) is a non-profit organisation which has the goal to empower ‘differently-abled’ people and raise awareness around their needs. On Thursday 28 May, a South African team of nine able-bodied runners, two hand cyclists and one amputee embarked on a 10-day relay from The Mother City to Pretoria.


The non-stop, 24-hour relay journey through four provinces aims to raise funds for two individuals who have suffered spinal cord injuries. The funds raised will provide the essential medical resources, rehabilitation, and help acquire the correct wheelchairs for their needs.

OCAL Global also hopes to enrol the two candidates into coaching courses that will enable them to mentor the 2018 team members. The two will also join as team members in the 2017 journey. By doing this, OCAL Global will be facilitating their recovery while proving that they can still have a life filled with adventure and purpose even in their now differently-abled bodies.


Nicolene Mostert founded OCAL Global based on the belief that success is not measured by our own achievements, but rather by what we have helped others to achieve and accomplish. Mostert and Alun Davies (Co-Founder) previously project managed a team of physically disabled athletes, including the world’s first triple amputee, going up Kilimanjaro. This made it clear to them that there is no such thing as a disability.

The company’s vision is to create individuals of integrity, accountability, transparency and creativity. The reason for using the phrase ‘differently-abled’ is to promote thoughts, feelings and actions about disability in a more inclusive and positive way.

The current core team also consists of WP van Zyl, Oswald Kydd, Jeffrey Yates, Bennie Erasmus, John Montanari, Samantha Lowe, Christopher Geils, Paul Ward, Ryan Anley and Simon Kohler.

The group of athletes will follow the route:


Their run will culminate in the Wings for Life World Run on 8 May 2016, at Supersport Park in Pretoria.

Help OCAL Global to spread the message that it’s important to focus on everyone’s unique ability to contribute, rather than on a person’s perceived limitations. Follow their journey with #ocalglobal on Twitter @ocalglobal.

To make contributions:
OCAL Global NPC (Pty) Ltd
Bank: First National Bank
Account Number: 62601301881
Branch: Sea Point Branch
Code: 201809
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ
Reference: #OCAL2016
Email confirmation: [email protected]

Photography courtesy

1 Comment
  • MadsNeal
    April 30, 2016 at 2:42 pm

    CapeTownEtc ocalglobal 100% support the team. Thank you. Wishing you all everything of the best U0001f33b

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