Cape Town is joining Inganati Mafenuka in mourning the tragic loss of her baby boy Bubele, one of the famed quadruplets that Mafenuka gave birth to in the Mother City last year.

Mafenuka gave birth to her precious little babies, two boys and two girls, on July 6 2018 at the Tygerberg Hospital. Quadruplets are a rare occurrence, with the chance of giving birth to quadruplets spontaneously and naturally roughly 1 in 571,787.

The Mother City happily embraced the four new little Capetonians with open arms and the future seemed to be bright for the new arrivals.

A tiny foot of one of the quadruplets.

In a heartbreaking turn of events, just a few weeks after the family and the rest of Cape Town celebrated the quadruplets’ first birthday, one of the little boys, Bubele, fell ill.

A neighbour of the family, Stella Booi, told EWN that she received a frantic call on Thursday morning from the babies’ mother and grandmother saying that young Bubele needed to be taken to hospital urgently.

He had been suffering from diarrhoea, and Booi said that when she rushed to the family’s home to assist them she could see the boy was struggling to breathe. She called an ambulance but another neighbor urgently rushed Bubele to a local clinic for help.

When they arrived at the clinic Bubele was declared dead, and his young mother Inganati was devastated.

Bubele earlier this year.

This shocking and tragic incident has left Capetonians everywhere filled with sadness and we at Cape Town ETC extend our deepest condolences to Inganati and the family during this difficult time.

Pictures: Facebook/Inganati Mafenuka


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