In the short three months since its inception in September 2014, the Open Mosque in Cape Town, under the visionary leadership of Dr Taj Hargey, has been in the forefront of pioneering new initiatives that reflect the true and authentic spirit of original Islam. Apart from its strong emphasis on a Qur’an–centric (not culturally-tied) faith, its unprecedented gender equality and its unprecedented non-sectarianism, the Open Mosque has maintained its unique theological autonomy by not affiliating to any of the existing religious clergy groups in South Africa.

In addition its multiple mission, the Open Mosque is also dedicated to enhancing fruitful interfaith relations and greater community interaction throughout Cape Town. To this end, the Open Mosque takes the historic step of hosting a special Christmas lunch for all of its Christian friends, neighbours and supporters on Sunday, 21st December 2014. This innovative celebration will begin at 1 pm and end at 5 pm. An extensive buffet meal in the mosque will be prepared and served by Muslim volunteers as a token of our esteem and respect for the adherents of Jesus. It is the first time that Muslims in South Africa have invited Christians to mark the advent of Christmas inside an Islamic house of worship. This trail-blazing effort is a modern manifestation of the Prophet Muhammad’s illustrious example when he welcomed Christians to stay and pray in his mosque in Madinah.

The Open Mosque extends a cordial invitation to all followers of Christianity to join us for this ground-breaking pre-Christmas occasion that is especially designed to foster better relations between Muslims and Christians. This is a timely initiative in a bitterly fractured world where many Islamic fundamentalists and theological fanatics have wilfully ignored the tolerant teachings of pristine Islam to engage in the systematic oppression and brutal persecution of Christians in the Middle East, South Asia and elsewhere. The bold campaign by the Open Mosque to challenge this toxic warping of Islam is a small but significant step in generating effective peaceful coexistence and harmony between the followers of Jesus and Muhammad in South Africa.

Aside from a delicious banquet of festive food and non-alcoholic beverages, there will be an exciting and informative programme of music, talks and poetry extolling the inherent commonality between these two great Abrahamic faiths.

Since seating capacity is limited, everyone interested in attending this historic function should reserve their places by emailing ([email protected]) or calling the Open Mosque (+27 21 824 1400) before Friday, 19th December 2014.

Photography Courtesy


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