The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) is urging parents to confirm learner placement by 20 September 2018. A statement released on 6 September revealed that over 8000 learner placements have not yet been confirmed and are now blocking potential learners from schooling opportunities.

The department has implemented the School Admissions Management Information (SAMI), a system that measures if learners have been captured more than twice on a school’s admissions list.

The management system found that 8101 places are currently being blocked by parents who have failed to provide confirmation to the respective schools on whether they will accept placement for 2019 at the specific school or not.

The WCED found that the main contributor to the blockage is potential Grade 8 learners for 2019. SAMI found that 5000 Grade 8 learners for 2019 have been accepted at more than one school. The research from the system indicates that learners are being accepted to attend at more than one school.

As parents are encouraged to apply to multiple schools to increase the probability of acceptance, some learners have been accepted to four different schools for 2019.

In an effort to clear the blockage and allow for equal opportunity for all learners, the department is encouraging parents to inform their schools of choice if they will be accepting the offer or not.

Parents must make a final decision to ensure that their child has secured a spot for 2019, WCED spokesperson Jessica Shelver says that parents must make a final decision by the end of next week to ensure that their child has a secured spot for 2019.

“Parents had until the 23rd July to confirm acceptance. If they do not confirm acceptance by Wednesday 20th September 2018, their places will be given away,” she said.

A failure to notify the school may result in learners losing their placement, with the opportunity being handed to others on the waiting list.

“If parents do not contact the schools to let them know if they are accepting or turning down a place, then the principals of the schools will have no option but to give the places to other learners on their waiting lists who have applied,” the department said.

Shelver shared that this happens each year with parents lagging to provide schools with the required information and has advised them to adhere to the deadlines provided by the department.

“I urge all parents to take their responsibility of enrolling their child in a school very seriously. Parents need to adhere to the deadlines set by the department,” she said.

Parents must confirm their choice or face the decision being made for them by the department.

Here is some good news for parents and learners, WCED has set aside funds to increase safety and security measures at schools. Driving Lessons may be given at selected high schools, saving money for parents and increasing learners abilities.

Picture: Unsplash


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