The Skull Breaker Challenge has taken the world of TikTok by storm, but this dangerous trend has many parents on edge as there has been a death reported in Brazil as a result of participating. South African parents are even more nervous, as the first South African participants have been recorded in Pretoria.

Three pupils wearing blue shirts with grey shorts are seen participating in the challenge, and are said to be students from a high school in the Moot area of Pretoria.

In the video that has since gone viral, the three can be seen standing beside one another as they jump into the air and trip the pupil in the centre. The pupil in the centre lands hard on his back as the other two laugh at him.

The Skull Beaker Challenge is said to have originated in Spain and seems to be a favourite among pupils. Parents have been warned that the challenge has been known to lead to massive head trauma and related injuries.

The dangers of the challenge include:

– skull fractures,

– neck fractures,

– brain bleeding,

– paralysis,

– hematomas,

– bruising,

– a loss of consciousness,

– concussions and long term complications, and

– death

Watch the video below for more on the topic:

Cape Town Etc attempted to contact TikTok’s international spokespersons for comment, but are yet to receive an answer to queries.

