Just ahead of the festive season, South Africans will have another petrol price increase to calculate into their holiday budget. This is according to the AA and the Central Energy Fund.

Projections for December may not look positive as prices are expected to increase ahead of Christmas. Luckily for motorists who use diesel or paraffin, relief is expected while the majority of petrol consumers can expect to increase their holiday travel budgets to account for the incoming increase in fuel prices.

According to the forecast, 93 and 95 grades will increase by approximately 11 cents per litre. Diesel will decrease by 18 cents per litre, and paraffin with decrease the most by 21 cents per litre.

These prices will take effect in the first week of December. The increases are being accredited to the stagnating rand-to-dollar value and oil markets. The recent recovery the rand has experienced against the dollar has not been enough to encourage a decrease in petrol prices.

“Petrol price increases at this time of year will come as bad news for many people who will be travelling on holiday in December. However, the predicted drop for diesel means input costs in the manufacturing and agricultural sectors remains relatively untouched in relation to fuel costs, which is good news,” said the AA in a statement.

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