As the nationwide lockdown and liquor ban continue, South Africans have resorted to inventive ways of getting their alcohol fix. Pineapple beer has grown in popularity over the last few weeks, causing sales of the tropical fruit to fly through the roof.

Pineapple sales on the Johannesburg fresh produce market rose from 10 000 on the first day of lockdown, March 26, to 60 000 on April 6 and 7, reports BusinessLIVE. On April 27, pineapple sales in the area reached 90 000.

As a result of the increased demand, pineapples are now slightly more expensive.

Pineapples are flying off the shelves as South Africans get crafty and homebrew their own pineapple beer. Stats from Google SA show that searches on how to make your own alcohol surged tremendously by over 500% before the Easter weekend.

As a result of this popularity, Anchor Yeast’s “Inkunzi malanga” brewers yeast, which can be used to brew beer at home, will no longer be sold in stores.

“We have stopped supplying this product given that it may be used to make products that are non-essential foods. Both Anchor and Gold Star are proudly baking brands and we continue to supply the market so people can bake to feed their families or for pleasure,” said Joanne Clarke, director of consumer relations at Anchor Yeast

“We have a number of products and are only temporarily stopping the supply of one. We are doing this to support the call by government to flatten the curve of Covid-19 infections.”

Picture: Pixabay
