Iconic South African performer PJ Powers teamed up with Tygerberg Children’s Chior to perform a powerful rendition of her hit song, “World in Union”. The performance is dedicated to all essential workers.

Powers and the choir would have performed at the Suidooster Festival on May 3. However, the festival was postponed amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Festival organisers thus embarked on a collaboration with producers Vicky Davis and Schalk Joubert from Cape Town Music Academy (CTMA) to create a music video of PJ Powers’ Rugby World Cup hit song, “World in Union” featuring the Tygerberg choir.

“The video pays homage to essential workers’ global efforts against Covid-19. It also honours citizens’ disciplined isolation efforts and adherence to lockdown regulations during these challenging times,” said Cape Town Music Academy.

Powers, her band members, and the 35 choir members all recorded audio and footage for the video while self-isolating at home during lockdown.

The video was released on Africa Day [May 24] in honour of all the essential workers on the frontline.

“With Africa Day’s focus on the continent’s progress amid the collective challenges we all face, it is fitting to release this video as an ode to essential workers who labour day and night to combat the pandemic and keep us safe. In our eyes, they are the true heroes. We salute them and hope that our message of hope will strengthen their hands,” said Suidooster Festival director, Jana Hattingh .

PJ Powers hopes the song will lift spirits in the country as lockdown continues.

“To all essential workers out there, South Africa continues to rely heavily on you. Your courage, resilience and hard work has not gone unnoticed. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. May God Bless you and ease your load in the not too distant future.”

Watch the powerful performance here:

Picture: screenshot from video
