Many locals have expressed outrage at the controversial plan which proposed an increase in curbside parking fees in the Mother City’s CBD from R130 per day to an exorbitant R400 per day. This has not deterred Mayco Member for Urban Development and Transport, Brett Herron, from pushing ahead with the plan.

Last month, the City’s parking management policy plan was withdrawn after a massive public outcry, but Herron is hopeful that the City Council will approve this plan before the year draws to a close.

Following a Mayco meeting last month, the City of Cape Town withdrew a parking plan proposal that would have parking rates in Cape Town’s CBD and other popular parking areas increased as much as R450 per day.

The open committee meeting took less 30 minutes for the City’s top political leadership to decide to withdraw the public parking management plan.

The plan was originally proposed as a way to reduce congestion, waiting time for parking spaces and change the habits of residents from driving their own vehicles to using public transport more frequently.

When the plan was first withdrawn, Mayco said it wanted to receive a presentation on the plan to understand it better and gather more information.

It (the report) was not sent back to the portfolio committee. Mayco asked for a presentation on it. Area-based mayco members will make submissions on their on-street needs and we will see how the parking marshalls can play a role. I do expect the plan to go to Council this year,” Herron told IOL. 

JP Smith, who is the deputy Democratic Alliance (DA) caucus leader, said the plan has already been discussed within the DA caucus, and that area-based Mayco members are now also dealing with the policy document.

There were concerns around the tariffs, but an explanation was given to that effect. We are also work-shopping the plan to ensure that one official can be used for enforcement on informal trading, traffic and parking enforcement,” Smith said. 

He also added that the tariffs are determined on an annual basis, and that the proposed tariffs are being looked at to “streamline” parking within the CBD.

“Those who park for longer than two hours get fined in the current form. The (new) parking policy aims to take away the fine and allow you to park for longer, meaning you will have to pay more,” Smith said.


Effectively, the proposal means that those who park their vehicles for two hours will still pay normal parking rates, while those who park for longer than two hours will pay a fine of R450.


Picture: Twitter/Trevor Bohatch


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