The City of Cape Town’s  Law Enforcement officers responded to reports of a member of the public being robbed of her personal possessions on Monday, July 29.

The woman was being robbed on the corner of Main Road and Olifant Street in Delft.

“On arrival in Olifant street, the officers observed a male being chased by a female. The officers joined the chase and apprehended him. He was in possession of a white bag which the officers assumed was the property of the female who chased after him,” City spokesperson Wayne Dyason said. “The officers opened the bag and found ten parcels of dagga in the bag. The bemused officers turned to the suspect who said he robbed the female of the bag and was unaware of its content.”

The officers arrested the suspect for the attempted robbery and the female for being in possession of dagga. Both were detained at the Delft Police Station.

Picture: Pixabay


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