Two officials from the Prince Albert Hamlet police station have been found to be in contravention of the Disaster Management Act after they were caught with 18 cans of beer. This included six cans of Flying Fish beer, as well as a six-pack of Hunter’s Dry. There was also a six-pack of Hunter’s Extreme in the vehicle.

As reported by Netwerk24, the two officials were apprehended on Friday, July 31 at around 1.30pm in the afternoon. They were pulled over after police in Worcester received a tip-off.

The police officers were on duty when they were arrested. It is not known where the police officers were headed when they were found, but they were transported to the Ceres police station while other SAPS members searched the vehicle they had been driving.

The two now face disciplinary hearings. Their case is being patched over to the Prince Albert Hamlet police station from the Worcester police station.

Picture: Twitter
