South Africa could be in for a relaxing of the current lockdown level, as cabinet reviews recommendation from the director-general forum.

A suggestion has been made to open more economic sectors by a representative forum of director-generals from national departments. On Sunday, August 9 the forum met and agreed upon the recommendation that has now been handed to the national coronavirus command council (NCCC).

The forum’s recommendation includes that all economic sectors should be reopened, except those that require crowded spaces. This suggestion is paired with strict enforcement of social distancing and hygiene rules.

President Cyril Ramaphosa could be addressing the nation by the end of the week, regarding a move to Level 2, if the forum’s recommendations are accepted.

Restaurants, bars, business and small establishments have been feeling the pressure of lockdown regulations with many caving under it. A relaxation of the lockdown level could provide struggling businesses with the support they need to bounce back from the harsh months behind them.

A relaxing of lockdown level could also lead to the sale and purchase of tobacco and alcohol products being legal again but only time will tell if the government decides to make this move.

Picture: Pexel
