Communities across the province have expressed concern in a marked increase in women being the targets of violence after a pregnant woman was shot over the weekend.

Sadiqah Newman died on the eve of Women’s Day when she was caught in the cross-fire between gangs, and was brutally murdered at eight months pregnant.

As reported by EWN, Manenberg community leader Roegshanda Pascoe said that Newman was the second pregnant woman to be shot to death in the past several weeks.

Sadiqah Newman was shot to death over the weekend. (Source: Facebook)

“We have seen gangs are targeting women now. Again, our system is failing us as the people. We’ve had enough of this,” she said.

Tasneem Simons (22) was also killed in Manenberg three weeks ago when she was hit by a stray bullet while on her way to the washing line.

The anti-gang unit has made speedy headway in the case of Newman’s death, having already arrested several suspects linked to the fatal incident.

“The information received linked individuals who are allegedly connected to the murder investigation. Four males between the ages of 18 and 28 were arrested,” said South African Police Services (SAPS) spokesperson, Frederick Van Wyk.

Further two suspects were arrested, and a firearm was confiscated as well. The firearm is currently undergoing ballistics testing.

Picture: Pixabay
