In a special caucus meeting held in parliament today, the ANC discussed bringing a motion of no confidence against President Jacob Zuma.

ANC Treasurer General, Paul Mashatile, said in a press briefing this afternoon that President Jacob Zuma has been given until today to resign or the ANC will remove him through a motion of no confidence on Thursday.

“We have asked the chief whip to proceed with a motion of no confidence tomorrow in Parliament. So that president Jacob Zuma is removed so we can proceed to place President Ramaphosa as the president of the country to deliver the State of the Nation address, possibly before the budget speech next Wednesday.

“It is very clear for us as the leadership of the ANC, we can no longer wait beyond today,” said Mashatile.

ANC president Cyril Ramaphosa met with President Jacob Zuma last week to discuss the power struggle affecting the ANC and the president’s future. This was preceded by the State of the Nation Address being postponed ahead of Ramaphosa and Zuma meeting.

In a press conference held yesterday, ANC Secretary General, Ace Magashule said that the ANC has recalled President Jacob Zuma. They have also called for Cyril Ramaphosa to step in as the next president of South Africa.


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