President Jacob Zuma has said in an interview with the SABC that he will not resign until he has been told what he has done wrong.

Earlier today the ANC said in a press briefing that they have given the president until today to resign or face a motion of no confidence in parliament tomorrow. They have accused Zuma of defying the ANC by not stepping down after he was recalled by the party yesterday.

In the interview Zuma spoke about all the meetings in which he engaged with the ANC, and the outcomes of the talks. He said he was under the belief that they were happy to let him stay in office for three months, which were his conditions to resign. Zuma said he was shocked when they refused his proposal the day after agreeing, following a meeting with the Top 6.

He further explained that he is not defying the ANC, and that he has never defied his party.

“I am not defying. I have said no, I don’t agree with the decision, that is not defiance, that is the wrong message they are giving out there,” said Zuma.

He reiterates that he has not been told what he has done wrong or why he should leave office.

“Nobody has explained to me what have I done. There’s nothing I’ve done wrong. What is the problem? I don’t understand,” Zuma questioned.

In his interview he criticised the current ANC leadership saying the decisions have been ‘nilly willy’ and not thought out thoroughly. He touched on the recall of President Thabo Mbeki and the problems it created when he was removed from office.

Zuma says leadership of ANC may cause a bigger problem than they may think by removing him. “I hope they will know how to handle the organisation,” he said of the party.

He also stated he is open to other discussions. “I hear tomorrow in Parliament there is motion of no confidence. Nobody has even come to me to tell me that. It’s the manner in which it’s been implemented that I have a problem with,” he said.

Watch the full interview here…



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