Seven lions from the Karoo National Park in Beaufort West were put down on Tuesday, September 29 after three of them escaped the park twice in one day. The lions allegedly killed several livestock on a neighbouring farm after their escape.

According to News24, three lions from a pride of seven escaped the Park early Monday morning [September 28]. They entered a neighbouring farm where they killed 10 sheep.

Rangers were immediately dispatched and succeeded in chasing the animals back to the park. They then slept on the mountain in case the lions returned to the carcasses, which they did during the night,” SANParks acting head of communications, Rey Thakuli said.

SANParks confirmed the entire pride of lions have been put down to deter human-predator conflict and conservation. Thakuli described the lions as a “damage-causing group of animals” that posed a serious threat to humans and livestock.

SANParks will host a webinar Thursday night [October 1] where experts and conservationists will further explain the reasons behind their decision to put the lions down.

Picture: Unsplash
