The beaches in Clifton are free for all to visit and the area cannot be controlled by anyone other than local police, this notice comes after allegations that a private security company is locking down beaches in the area and denying people access after 8pm.

City of Cape Town’s mayoral committee member for safety and security, JP Smith, told News24 there is no official closing time at Clifton beaches and they are investigating incidents where a private security company is asking beachgoers to pack up and leave at sunset.

Smith said that regulations do apply to the beach but can only be enforced by government law enforcement.

There are allegations that security companies have been hired by local communities in the plush suburb to man the beaches and usher beachgoers away after sunset.

Clifton and Bantry Bay are not just the most expensive suburbs in the city, but the entire country, according to New World Health Report released earlier this year.


Picture: Pexels


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