In the early hours of Wednesday morning, protestors barricaded several roads and set alight a truck in Cape Town. Residents from the informal settlements are angry over poor service delivery and took to the streets to show their frustration. Several roads have been closed off, including Jakes Gerwel Drive near Mitchells Plain, as well as Highlands Drive.

Wayne Dyason, spokesperson for City of Cape Town’s law enforcement, said that Weltevreden, Morgenster, Varkensvlei and Fulan have been closed off as well. “The reason for the protest is still unclear,” Dyason said.

“However, emergency services are on scene and will monitor the situation.” Dyason also added that an ATM at a Caltex garage, as well as a fruit and vegetable store were damaged during the protests. Eleven suspects were arrested on suspicion of public violence on the corners of Morgenster and Jakes Gerwel Drive, where the situation remains “tense and volatile”. “The protests are still ongoing,” Dyason said.


Suspects from Siqualo arrested on suspicion of public violence at the corners of Jakes Gerwel Drive and Morgenster Road (Source: JP Smith)


A fruit and vegetable store on Highlands Drive was damaged in the early hours of Wednesday morning (Source: Wayne Dyason)
An ATM at Highlands Drive Caltex petrol station was also vandalised (Source: Wayne Dyason)
An “ampela” taxi was also vandalised during the protest (Source: Wayne Dyason)

On Tuesday, sporadic protests near Macassar, just outside of Cape Town, also disrupted traffic and caused massive delays for commuters who returned to the city after the long weekend. A small group of protestors blocked the N2 Highway with burning debris, causing traffic to come to a standstill.

Picture: Wayne Dyason


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