Newly elected president, Cyril Ramaphosa has caused quite a stir when he invited the public to join him on his 5.5km walk from Gugulethu Sports field to Athlone Stadium at 5.30am on Tueday morning. Citizens and tourists grabbed the opportunity to stroll with Ramaphosa, cheering him on as he walked. The President has been spotted jogging along the promenade on a few occasions. Again, the public took every opportunity to take some selfies.

Since being elected last week, after Jacob Zuma’s resignation, Ramaphosa has already gained public fame, and seems to be a favourite.

The president was seen laughing and joking with fellow walkers on this morning’s walk, in a bid to promote a healthy lifestyle. Our friendly and charming president told the crowd, before the walk, he walks every morning to keep fit, and stated he wants that for South Africa, and also said it gives him time to think about events from the previous day.  It’s not often you get to see to see the president, never mind walk with him.

He definitely proved himself ‘fit’ to be president.

Picture: Carla Bernado


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