Big news doing the rounds this week is the proposed F1 racetrack for Cape Town, which could begin development as early as 2016 if the relevant parties have their way. We’ve collected feedback from some of Cape Town’s most influential people who aired their thoughts about whether this would work and what it could do for the City of Cape Town.

Councillor Garreth Bloor, Mayoral Committee Member for Tourism, Events and Economic Development

‘Yes, there have been several attempts in the past to bring it to Cape Town. This administration is following a different approach by engaging the franchise holders directly, looking at a feasibility study with the franchise holders. Once we have enough information we will have to make an informed decision. At the moment we’re looking at a memorandum of agreement as a starting point. Once we have received a proposal we will take it to the relevant structures of Council.’


Read the original post here and let us know your thoughts!

1 Comment
  • imseiso
    February 26, 2015 at 4:40 pm

    CapeTownEtc robertmarawa CapeTown it wud b da fastest…

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