Outraged animal lovers have come forward to offer a reward of R6 000 for any information regarding a man who was seen swinging a cat in the air, who was tied to a cord, during a protest in Zwehlihle, Hermanus.

This fundraising effort was started by a resident of Kleinmond named Henriette Derby, a town neighboring Hermanus, after the child of a friend showed her the picture.

Speaking to IOL, Derby said that the owners of the cat had been informed that their cat and many others were missing, leading them to believe that the cat was killed.

She said that if the perpetrator is not apprehended, the funds will be divided amongst animal welfare societies such as Hermanus Animal Welfare Society (HAWS), Kleinmond Animal Welfare Society (KAWS) and Rescue Animal Drive (RAD) in a bid to raise awareness for animal protection.

The matter is currently being investigated by the National Council of Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPACA).

In a Facebook post, Helen Zille, said that there is much trauma that has come with the Zwehlihle protests, and it has left her “shaken to the core”.

“Heard first hand accounts from residents of Zwelihle about the extent of the violence and intimidation they face,” she posted. “Apart from public facilities (the destruction of the library and swimming pool complex) private houses have been burnt. People who went to work had their clothing and furniture removed from their houses and burnt in the street. And most gruesomely, some pets have suffered the same fate.”

Anyone wishing to contribute towards the fundraising effort may use the following details:

Trust Account details:

Adrian Louw Attorneys


147 000 7940

Use your name and ZWECAT as reference.

Those who donate are asked to send an SMS to 0606949835 to confirm payment.

Picture: Pixabay


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