Cape Town is gearing up for one of the biggest events in the CBD, the annual Festive Lights Switch-On at the Grand Parade.

The flagship event attracts an estimated 80 000+ people each year. Before the lights are switched on at 8:30 pm, there is a free concert featuring a range of entertainers, as well as a video mapping display and a laser show.

Safety measures put in place for the day include:

– Queue chutes at strategic points around Grand Parade to facilitate entry and exit and manage access control

– Random searches to check for prohibited items

– Three temporary medical clinics

– Installation of temporary water points on Grand Parade

– Ablution facilities on Grand Parade and surrounds

– Designated viewing area for persons with disabilities and access to ablutions, parking, entrances and exits

– The Kid Smart Project which provides smart wristbands for children with their parents’ contact details

– A Venue Operations Centre comprising City, SAPS and other relevant role players

– Deployment of Law Enforcement, Metro Police and Traffic Officers within the event footprint and surrounds

– CCTV monitoring of the event footprint

– A train service departing at 11pm from Cape Town to Bellville via Mutual, Forward journey & return via Lavistown

– A train service departing at 11pm on the Retreat line via Cape Flats – all stations

– A waste plan will be activated to minimise the need for post-event clean up, but the public is urged to set an example and dispose of their waste properly by using receptacles provided or taking it home for disposal

A number of road closures will be effected on the day of the event, but also in the days leading up to this major event. Locals can expect to experience the affects of road closures from as earlier as November 26.

Source: City of Cape Town

“This event is extremely popular, just judging by the size of the crowds in years gone by. The City is committed to ensuring that everyone has a good time in a safe environment. The event is family-friendly, and we do everything possible to ensure that it is an enjoyable day out for everyone, but we also appeal to those attending to be vigilant and to keep an eye on their personal possessions,” said Mayco member for Safety and Security, JP Smith.

“The public safety measures that we are putting in place are par for the course for all major events and will be in place pre, during and post the event. We have established a reputation as a leading events destination. What sets the switching on of the Festive Lights apart is that it is a quality event that is free to all, which makes it accessible to all communities. A word of caution to anyone looking to exploit the situation for criminal gain – we will not hesitate to act against anyone who engages in anti-social behaviour on the day,” he added.

Picture: Twitter
