The autopsy of nine-year-old Leo Williams from St Helena Bay has revealed a rubber bullet that was lodged in the young boy’s brain.

The tough decision was made earlier this month to switch off Leo’s life support after two weeks of non-responsiveness while in intensive care.

Leo was shot in the head by a stray bullet while watching TV at his uncle’s home during a riot that took place in Laingwille early in August.

After consultation with his family, the doctors at the Red Cross Childrens’ Hospital decided to switch his life support off.

According to The Daily Maverick, his legal guardian was notified of the bullet discovery shortly after pathologists at Salt River mortuary removed it.

Reports that Leo was shot by police are looking more likely and the Independent Police (Investigative) Directorate is looking into the case.

Laingville Community leader Thyrone Williams told The Daily Maverick that investigators had visited him to view a video of officers firing on the structure that Leo and his friends were in during the riot.

In memory of the young boy, a piece of land planned for housing development will be named Leo Village.

Picture: Facebook
