It seems time spent indoors with “loved ones” has not turned out well for many South Africans, with local legal advice firm reporting a 20% increase in divorce following the most stringent levels of lockdown.

According to DIY Legal, most couples site enforced time spent together, stress and challenges of COVID-19 as well as financial stress due to losing their jobs during the pandemic, as reasons for their divorce.

Other countries like China and Saudi Arabia have also seen significant increases in divorce, by as much as 30%.

According to DIY Legal, South Africa ranks in 83rd place out of 154 countries for divorce.

“DIY Legal provides fixed price online divorce and mediation services, so we looked at our statistics to see what we could understand about what is happening with South African divorces,” says DIY Legal.

Other issues that led to divorce according to South Africans include adultery and substance abuse.

In 62% of DIY Legal cases, the plaintiff is the wife which contrasts with a total of 51% of divorces countrywide.

“From a South African perspective we have seen a 20% increase in divorce applications since level 4. During lockdown level 5 there was an increase in interest, but it wasn’t possible to progress divorces, so the majority waited until they weren’t locked down to proceed with their divorce,” says DIY Legal.

The firm is expecting even higher rates of divorce that will match up with international trends as the pandemic continues to take its toll in South Africa.

DIY Legal provides fixed price online divorce, mediation and legal services.

Picture: Pexels
