South Africans are all feeling the pressure in various areas of their daily lives. Many face financial and emotional hardships, many are concerned about their health, their children’s schooling or their own jobs.

Many are also dissatisfied with the government and the current rules and regulations imposed during lockdown, as well as the way authorities are handling different aspects of it.

There is, however always light at the end of the tunnel. A new platform on Facebook called #SACitizensUnite offers those who seek to better the country and bring about positive change, a place to come together virtually and rise to the challenge.

“We will be using this medium to unite all South Africans, and share our message of change with the country!” writes founder Mark Sham. “It doesn’t matter who you are, or what race you are. If you want to help make South Africa a better place, then you are welcome here!”

The page encourages discussion on current political topics in an inclusive and positive way that provides solutions rather than complain.

Sham is hosting a webinar interview with strategist and speaker Graeme Codrington as part of the movement on Thursday, July 30. To register for the event, click here.

“I would like to use this platform to educate ALL South Africans on their rights, remind them that there is power in numbers, offer a variety of balanced perspectives on what’s going on in South Africa, and ultimately motivate/empower ALL citizens to take action, rather than just moan,” Sham adds on the page.

To view the page, click here.


Picture: Unsplash

